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Sustainability Statement


We are proud to present our eighth annual Sustainability Report which reflects our Group’s sustainability efforts in 2023. As a globally diversified entity, we encounter not only challenges but also opportunities for advancement. Embracing this potential for growth, we have refined our employment practices, enriched our community engagements, embraced ecoconscious processes, and pursued digitalization initiatives. We strive to integrate the highest standards of governance into our sustainability initiatives and daily business processes.

Our Sustainability Report has been produced in accordance with Bursa Malaysia’s Enhanced Sustainability Reporting Requirements.



As part of our commitment towards sustainability, we have established a clear governance structure to ensure utmost compliance and optimal performance across our business operations. Our sustainability directives stem from the head of our organisation, with the Board of Directors (“Board”) setting the tone and maintaining responsibility for our overall business conduct. This process is led by the Board Sustainability Committee (“BSC”), which comprises the Executive Directors that oversee our seven business segments and hold responsibility for providing oversight and guidance in the formulation and direction of our corporate strategies and policies.

To achieve greater efficiency in our approach, the BSC is supported by our Sustainability Working Committee (“SWC”), which consists of Senior Management personnel. The SWC reviews and sets goals and targets for identified key sustainability matters, while overseeing the progress of our efforts towards these targets.

Our quarterly Executive Committee (“EXCO”) meeting provides a platform for the BSC to highlight and deliberate on any matters relating to our sustainability approach and reporting.

The illustration below further depicts our current sustainability governance structure. We will continue our efforts to periodically review and refresh our sustainability governance structure to ensure our environmental, social and governance material matters are adequately overseen and managed.

                                                                              OHB Group Governance Structure


Our Sustainability Report covers the sustainability performance and progress from all segments for the financial year ended December 2023, unless otherwise stated.


The three sustainability matters are as follows:-

1.     Economic

Our focus on creating long-term sustainable growth for our stakeholders requires us to constantly review our business practices. This facilitates the delivery of economic performance built on good corporate governance and high ethical standards. We ensure compliance with various national laws in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and other markets where we carry out our business activities.

2.     Environment

We strive to reduce our environmental footprint by adopting best practices in our daily operations, monitoring our performance against key indicators, and taking appropriate corrective action when necessary to reduce our environmental impact. We work with our stakeholders to enhance awareness of environmental issues, promote sustainable practices, and utilise operational processes that do not adversely affect the environments in which we operate.

3.     Social

We consider our people to be our greatest asset, and we strive to provide them with adequate support, protection, and growth opportunities at the workplace. We also believe that the Group’s success and growth should bring meaningful impact to the communities in which we conduct our business.

For more detailed disclosures on our sustainability efforts and material matters, please refer to our Sustainability Report 2023, publicly available online via our website at



While sustainability governance has long been integral to our operations, we utilised the past year to fortify our reporting structures, harmonising sustainability objectives with our business goals, thereby laying a foundation for heightened value generation across our operations, supply chain, and the communities we serve. Fueled by this purpose-driven momentum, we are committed to maintaining our leadership in sustainability, effecting positive change for present and future generations alike. We will continue to enhance our disclosures and reporting approach, delivering positive performance and progress within these three pillars of sustainability.