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Occupational Health And Safety Policy
Oriental Holdings Berhad and its subsidiaries (the “OHB Group”, the “Group” or the “Company”) is committed in providing a safe, healthy and conducive working environment to all employees, associates, contractors, customers, suppliers, visitors and general public at all workplaces within the Group. It is the Group’s aim to promote a safe and healthy work culture within the Group with reasonable precautionary steps taken, so far as is practicable, to prevent any unwanted injury or health hazard in the workplace.
Objective of the Policy
This policy sets out the principles to guide the Directors and employees of OHB Group, its Officers and Senior Management (collectively also known as “Covered Persons”), on the behaviours expected in accordance with the Group’s culture and/or values. It aims to formulate, establish, communicate, implement and maintain safe and healthy systems at work in providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.
This policy applies to the Group’s Covered Persons. OHB Group’s commitment to occupational safety and health is also extended to the surrounding communities where the Group operates, and business partners and other suppliers involved in the value chain to fulfil their responsibility with respect to occupational safety and health during their presence at the Group’s workplace.
Policy Principles
OHB Group is guided and governed by its commitment to:
a) Compliance to Safety and Health Regulations
OHB Group shall comply with all requirements of legislation related to safety and health as stated in the OSH Act 1994 and OSH (Amendment) Act 2022 as well as any additional measures deemed necessary and supplemented by procedures relevant to each workplace.
b) Cultivate Workplace Safety and Health Culture
To promote a sense of ownership and responsibility for safety, the Group shall encourage active participation from all Covered Persons in occupational safety and health initiatives by contribute ideas, raise concerns, and collaborate on improving safety practices in their workplace.
c) Zero Fatal Injuries at Workplace
OHB Group shall identify and analyze all potential safety hazards and associated risks at each workplace. The Group shall implement proactive mitigation actions to eliminate and minimize occupational safety and health risks to the lowest possible level..
d) Continual Improvement in Occupational Safety and Health Management
The Group commits to regularly reviewing and improving this policy along with the Occupational Safety & Health Policy of respective subsidiaries as needed, considering legislative and organizational changes, and consulting employees at all levels on safety and health matters.
Rights of Employees
An employee, after informing employer or representative that he or she has reasonable justification to believe there exist an imminent danger at the place of work, shall have the right to remove themselves from the danger or the work if the employer fails to take any action to remove the danger.
An employee who removes himself or herself from the danger in accordance with subsection (1) of Section 26A of OSH (Amendment) Act 2022 shall be protected against undue consequences and shall not be discriminated against.
Reports of Incident
All Covered Persons shall report any occupational safety and health issues observed at the workplace as soon as practicable following the reporting channel specified in respective subsidiary’s Occupational Safety & Health Policy. In general, any incident shall be reported to the immediate superior or the respective subsidiary’s Safety and Health Officer or Occupational Safety and Health Coordinator.
OHB Group practices an open-door policy and encourages business partners, suppliers and general public to raise concerns about any unsafe conditions or work practices observed from the Group’s work activities. The Group will ensure that the person reporting the possible case of unsafe conditions or work practices in good faith will be protected from any form of discrimination and retaliation.
In cases whereby reporting to the above personnel is not appropriate, reports can be made to any of the Designated Officers as stated in OHB Group’s Whistle Blowing Policy.
Officer 1 : Chairman of Audit Committee
Officer 2 : Head of Internal Audit
Email :
Mail : Level 16, Unit 16D, Wisma Boon Siew, No. 1 Jalan Penang, 10000 Penang.
Amendments to the Policy
This policy shall be reviewed as and when required to factor in any changes in legal frameworks, organizational development and economic trends
Covered Persons shall be fully informed of any amendment to the policy.